Gene frequencies

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Scientific papers ought to be freely and universally available. Still, it will be necessary to check with each single publisher for copyright issues, so that we mean to activate the link to each article as we have permission from its publisher.

492. Approcci molecolari e biometrici allo studio dell’evoluzione umana

lang IT
August 2021

508. Genetic distances between Chinese populations calculated on gene frequencies of 38 loci

lang EN
August 2021

488. Statistical properties of the variation at linked microsatellite loci: implications for the history of human Y chromosomes

lang EN
August 2021

436. A genetic reconstruction of the history of the population of the Iberian Peninsula

lang EN
August 2021

426. Spatial Subdivision of Populations and Estimates of Genetic Variation

lang EN
August 2021

264. Synthetic gene frequency maps of man and selective effects of climate

lang EN
August 2021

266. The HLA – A,B Gene Frequencies in the World: Migration or Selection

lang EN
August 2021

253. Synthetic Gene Frequency Maps and an Application to the Analysis of the Spread of the Neolithic in Europe

lang EN
August 2021

261. The Making and Testing of Geographic Gene-Frequency Maps

lang EN
August 2021

247. Syntetic Maps of Human Gene Frequencies in Europeans

lang EN
August 2021

155. Intermarriage Patterns and Blood Group Gene Frequencies of the New Guinea Highlands

lang EN
August 2021

158. Affinity as revealed by differences in gene frequencies

lang EN
August 2021

125. An analysis of ABO, MN, Rh, Tf and G-6-PD types in a sample from the human population of the Lecce province

lang EN
August 2021

129. Population structure and human evolution

lang EN
August 2021

96. Analisi della fluttuazione di frequenze geniche nella popolazione della Val Parma

lang IT
August 2021

115. Analisi della popolazioni leccese per gruppi sanguigni, G6PD, aptoglobine e transferrine

lang IT
August 2021