Human genetics

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Human genetics
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Scientific papers ought to be freely and universally available. Still, it will be necessary to check with each single publisher for copyright issues, so that we mean to activate the link to each article as we have permission from its publisher.

143. Studio di alcuni polimorfismi enzimatici dei globuli rossi nei Pigmei Babinga

lang IT
August 2021

145. Recherches génétiques sur les Pygmées Babingas de la République Centrafricaine

lang EN
August 2021

149. Human Diversity

lang EN
August 2021

154. Serum Free Amino Acid Pattern in a Babinga Pygmy Adult Population

lang EN
August 2021

160. Present Trends in Basic Biomedical Research

lang EN
August 2021

162. Intelligence and Race

lang EN
August 2021

163. Problems and prospects of genetic analysis of intelligence at the intra- and inter-racial level

lang EN
August 2021

137. Introduzione all’impiego dei calcolatori in genetica umana

lang IT
August 2021

122. Analysis of Human Evolution Under Random Genetic Drift

lang EN
August 2021

128. Genetic drift in popolazioni umane

lang IT
August 2021

135. Growth Hormone in African Pygmies

lang EN
August 2021

80. Recenti progressi nel campo della genetica umana

lang IT
August 2021

91. Some Data on the Genetic Structure of Human Populations

lang EN
August 2021