Sex ratios and birth rates

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Sex ratios and birth rates
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Scientific papers ought to be freely and universally available. Still, it will be necessary to check with each single publisher for copyright issues, so that we mean to activate the link to each article as we have permission from its publisher.

548. Male-Female Ratio in Centenarians: A Possible Role Played by opulation Genetic Structure

lang EN
August 2021

528. Y Chromosome Binary Markers to Study the High Prevalence of Males in Sardinian Centenarians and the Genetic Structure of the Sardinian Population

lang EN
August 2021

220. Education and Birth Control

lang EN
August 2021

146. Effects of Grandparental and Parental Age, Birth Order, and Geographic Variation of the Sex Ratio of Live-born and Stillborn Infants

lang EN
August 2021

113. Indagine speciale su alcune caratteristiche genetiche della popolazione italiana

lang IT
August 2021